How to Share Jesus Without Engaging in a Faith Debate

yesHEis Philippines
2 min readFeb 1, 2021


If you’ve been sharing your faith, probably na encounter mo na to; you try to share what you believe but the conversation ends in a debate. Hindi naman laging masama to engage in a debate, in fact with some people it works better to present the hard facts to them. Sometimes though, debates turn into arguments and arguments turn into lost opportunities to reach out to someone in the future.

There’s a fine line that separates a healthy debate from a disruptive one. But there are other things that we can do so that we can share Jesus without having to engage in a faith debate.

  1. Live Differently

Malaking statement about your faith ang lifestyle mo. The saying “walk the talk” is all the more important in evangelism. One of the things that help your message get across is if people see it in your life also. So make it a point to live out a good testimony everyday. Live life with God as your audience and the change in you will be evident to those around you. This is most effective especially sa mga tao na kilala ko during your past life. They may try to refute what you have to say, but no one can deny the change that happens in your life once you accept Jesus.

2. Love Extravagantly

Now hindi dahil February ay love life na agad ang usapan. When we talk about love we’re talking about the unconditional, extravagant love that God has for us. The kind of love that He allows us to also practice because He has filled us with the Holy Spirit. Loving like God does means that we can be selfless and serve others without expecting anything in return. We can live with greater concern for our neighbors than for ourselves. If we live with a love like that, I can guarantee that you will stand out.

3. Hope Eternally

One of the greatest gifts that our faith gives us is hope. Sa mundo na ang daming challenges, hope is something that people are searching for. Our faith, gives us a foundation of hope in Jesus that is eternal. We know that after we are done in this world we are looking forward to something greater. If you live with that kind of hope, baka ikaw pa ang lapitan ng mga tao. People will want what you have and be more open with what you have to share.

In the end, it’s the lives that we live are the greatest arguments to any debate. If you live your life glorifying Jesus, no one can deny the transformation in your life.



yesHEis Philippines

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