Delight in Your Weakness

yesHEis Philippines
2 min readJan 20, 2021


Kapag may hinaharap tayo na challenges, we often are reminded of our own weaknesses. Our weaknesses are reminders that we aren’t perfect, na may mga bagay talaga na hindi natin kayang gawin. But often when serving God we are faced with situations that seem like we aren’t the right match for it. When we look at our weaknesses, you may be tempted to step away from an opportunity to glorify God because the fear sets in. Paano kapag hindi ko kaya, paano kapag hindi successful? These thoughts can paralyze you and prevent you from stepping out in faith.

But Paul in 2nd Corinthians gives us a new insight into our weaknesses. Sabi niya sa “Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2 Cor 12:9). How is it that Paul can be glad and even boast in his weaknesses? We know Paul as a person with many good credentials. He was very knowledgeable and influential, pero hindi yung mga to ang pinagmamalaki niya. Instead he says that he boasts in his weaknesses and counts all he has as nothing.

The reality that Paul shows us is that god didn’t choose us because of any of our strengths or credentials. In fact, hindi naman niya tayo kailangan to be able to do His work. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, He can make anything happen that he wills will happen. But instead God chooses His people so that He can work through them. God said to Paul “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor 12:8). When serving God, we need to rely on His power to make things possible and not our own skills and abilities. When we maximize our strengths, we glorify God by making the most of what He has given us. But when we tackle something even in our weakness, we glorify Him by showing the world His power working through us.

Kapatid, don’t let your weaknesses stop you from something God is telling you to do. Delight in your weakness and use it so that you will also see for yourself the power of God working through you. Take on things that will make people say “possible lang to dahil kay God” and be surprised at where He takes you.



yesHEis Philippines

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